3-Day Meditation Activation

The Lion’s Gate is when the Star Sirius moves closer to Earth. As the star is in alignment with the sun, the sun transmits these new light codes to the Earth. This creates new levels of consciousness. Imagine being activated with a new frequency!

This portal is like a point of transformation. A new chapter. A new feeling. A new frequency.  

Often personal growth is triggered by challenges, so let’s make this one about light and fun. Developing a curiosity about life, evolution, the universe and how it all connects. The transformation within you is also the transformation outside of you. 

For 3 days this week, listen to a short reflective lesson and follow my guided meditation. Try to follow along each day so you can join thousands of people around the world on Thursday 8-8-8, opening to the portal of expanded consciousness. 

Make a little time and space for your own personal transformation this week.

(Plus a BONUS meditation day to embody this activation!)

This meditation course was designed to align with the cosmos in August 2024, but in the Quantum, there is no separation of time, so you can do this activation anytime. Enjoy!

Series Outline

  < Lion's Gate Portal > Day 1 : 8-6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  < Lion's Gate Portal > Day 2 : 8-7
Available in days
days after you enroll
  < Lion's Gate Portal > Day 3 : 8-8-8
Available in days
days after you enroll
  < Lion's Gate Portal > Bonus : Live it
Available in days
days after you enroll

Click to purchase and listen at your own pace.